WARNING! There are special issues with using phdisk.exe on the OB4000 when you are setting up a drive over 1 gig in size. phdisk attempts to build the tiny sleep partition at the end of the available free space of the hard drive. If the sleep partition is located above one gig, the BIOS can't initialize it properly and the computer will lock up during bootup. Also, if you try to create a sleep partition that is larger than the available free drive space, phdisk will blow away your entire hard drive's partition table. My suggestion is to have at least 35 megs of available drive space and to create a 32 meg sleep partition. Typing phdisk without any parameters will give you a help screen. If you create a primary DOS partition 35 megs short of the drive's capacity and then use Powerquest's Partition Magic (or equivalent), you can then "slide" the DOS partition from the beginning of the disk to the end of the disk. This will leave the free space at the front of the drive. Then run phdisk and create your sleep partition. Always back up your data before running phdisk! If you have already messed up and created a sleep partition at the end of a drive over 1 gig in size, you can either move the drive to another laptop and delete the sleep partition, or you can go into the OB4000's BIOS setup and set the drive type from "auto" to "manual" with 1/1/1 drive parameters. You will now be able to boot from a floppy. Then run fdisk.exe and erase the partition table. Reboot and go back into the BIOS setup and put the drive back to "Auto" and reboot. The OB4000 will handle drives up to 999 meg without problems. Using these phdisk tricks, you can use drives up to 2 gigs. Using these phdisk tricks and a BIOS overlay patch like OnTrack, you can use drives up to at least 30 gigs. -Christopher Erickson